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Hampton, M., Hampton, J., Saul, G., Bourassa, C., Goodwill, K., McKenna, B., McKay-McNabb, K., & Baydala, A. (2011). Stories through video: Aboriginal elders speak about end of life. In J. Bacsu & F. Macqueen Smith (Eds.), Innovations in knowledge translation: The SPHERU KT Casebook (pp. 19-22). Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit.

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Hampton, M., Baydala, A., Bourassa, C., McKenna, B., Saul, G., McKay-McNabb, K., Goodwill, K., Clark, V., & Christiansen. J. (2011). Seven years of completing the circle: End-of-life care with aboriginal families. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 43(3), 119-125.

Hampton, M., Baydala, A., Bourassa, C., McKay-McNabb, K., Placsko, C., Goodwill, K., McKenna, B., McNabb, P., & Boekelder, R. (2010). Completing the circle: Elders speak about end-of-life care with Aboriginal families in Canada. Journal of Palliative Care, 26(1), 6-14.

Hampton, M., Baydala, A., Drost, C. & McKay-McNabb. (2009). Bridging Conventional Western Health Care Practices with Traditional Aboriginal Approaches to End of Life Care : A Dialogue between Aboriginal Families and Health Care Professionals. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 4, 22-66.

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Saul, G., Hampton, M.R., Baydala, A., Duggleby, W., Bourassa, C., Goodwill, K. & McKenna, B. (Producers) (2008). Entering the circle: Communities empowered through ceremonies of research. [Video, 60 minutes].

Jackson, M., Hampton, J., Clark, V., Baydala, A., & Hampton, M. (Producers) (2006) Caring Hearts: A Southern Saskatchewan Camp for Grieving Youth [Video, 20 minutes]. Regina, SK: Regina Palliative Care, Inc.

Hampton, M. R., Baydala, A., Bourasssa, C., McNabb, K., Placsko, C., Goodwill, K. & McKenna, B. (Producers) (2006). Completing the Circle: Healing Words Spoken to Aboriginal Families about End of Life [Video, 57 minutes]. Regina, SK: University of Regina, Luther College Community Psychology Research Team.

Hampton, M. R., Baydala, A., Bourassa, C., McNabb, K., Placsko, C., & Goodwill, K. (Producers) (2005). End of life care with Aboriginal families: Completing the Circle [Video, 23 minutes]. Regina, SK: INCA.


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Baydala, A. (2006). Recognizing gender, culture and psychotherapy. Theory & Psychology, 16, 847-849

Baydala, A. (2004). Classifications of dissociation: Bridging the disciplines of religious studies, psychiatry, psychology, and anthropology to understand dissociated states of consciousness. Janus Head, 7(2), 523-525.

Baydala, A. (2001). Realist interpretations of symbolism. Theory and Psychology, 11, 137-139.


Theory & Psychology

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(2008) Psychology without Caucasians

(2006) Disintegrating qualitative research

(2003) Ideology and utopia: Social psychology and the social imaginary of Paul Ricoeur

Sage Publications

(2009) Dialectical pluralism: A theoretical conceptualization of pluralism in psychology

(2005) Handbook of narrative inquiry: Exploring cross-cultural boundaries

Canadian Journal of Psychology

(2002) Empirically Supported Therapies: Who’s the Cart and Who’s the Horse?

Janus Head

(2004) Classifications of Dissociation: Bridging the Disciplines of Religious Studies, Psychiatry, Psychology, and Anthropology to Understand States of Consciousness

Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology

(2012) Psychology and the Legacy of Newtonianism:  Motivation, Intentionality, and the Ontological Gap

(2010) Aesthetics in therapeutic practice: Classical structures and narrative reasoning

(2009) Examining and expanding narrative: The self as a narrative network


Springer Reference

(2013) Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. Entries: Dissociative Identity Disorder; Projection; Metapsychology; Philosophical Psychology; Introjection; Autism; Catharsis; Defense Mechanisms; Intuition; Libido; Mindfulness; Narcissism; Narrative Psychology